ArrayWrapper.h | Defines the CopyableArray subclass used to make arrays trivially copyable if possible |
Atomic.h | |
AtomicHelpers.h | |
AtomicWrapper.h | Contains a copyable atomics class |
Bag.h | |
BareMPI.h | Contains the BareMPI enum and the command line option that controls bare MPI usage |
libdist/src/Barrier.cpp | Contains implementation of HostFence and HostBarrier as well as functions that get static singletons of the 2 |
libgalois/src/Barrier.cpp | |
Barrier.h | |
Barrier_Counting.cpp | |
Barrier_Dissemination.cpp | |
Barrier_MCS.cpp | |
Barrier_Pthread.cpp | |
Barrier_Simple.cpp | |
Barrier_Topo.cpp | |
BasePolicies.h | Header file that includes the base classes for defining CuSP partitioning policies |
BufferedGraph.h | Contains the implementation of BufferedGraph |
BulkSynchronous.h | |
CacheLineStorage.h | |
CheckedObject.h | |
Chunk.h | |
CompilerSpecific.h | |
Context.cpp | |
libgalois/include/galois/runtime/Context.h | |
libgluon/include/galois/cuda/Context.h | Contains definition of CUDA context structures |
CopyableTuple.h | Contains copyable tuple classes whose elements are contiguous in memory |
cuda_device.cpp | Contains implementation for function that gets gpu device ID |
CuSPPartitioner.h | Contains the main CuSP partitioning function |
DataCommMode.h | Contains the DataCommMode enumeration and a function that chooses a data comm mode based on its arguments |
Details.h | |
Deterministic.cpp | |
DeviceEdgeSync.h | CUDA header for GPU runtime |
DeviceSync.h | CUDA header for GPU runtime |
DistGalois.cpp | Includes the definitions for DistMemSys's constructor and destructor |
DistGalois.h | Contains the declaration of DistMemSys, a way to explicitly initiate the Galois runtime |
DistributedGraph.h | Contains the implementation for DistGraph |
DistStats.cpp | Contains implementations for DistStats.h |
DistStats.h | Contains declaration of DistStatManager, which reports runtime statistics of a distributed application in Galois |
DReducible.h | Implements distributed reducible objects for easy reduction of values across a distributed system |
DTerminationDetector.h | |
DynamicBitset.cpp | All the implementation of the DynamicBitSet class incorporated into DynamicBitset.h |
libgalois/include/galois/DynamicBitset.h | Contains the DynamicBitSet class and most of its implementation |
libgluon/include/galois/cuda/DynamicBitset.h | Contains implementation of CUDA dynamic bitset and iterators for it |
EdgeContext.h | Contains definition of CUDA context structures |
EdgeHostDecls.h | Contains forward declarations and the definition of the EdgeMarshalGraph class, which is used to marshal a graph to GPUs |
Endian.h | |
EnvCheck.cpp | |
EnvCheck.h | |
Executor_Deterministic.h | |
Executor_DoAll.h | |
Executor_ForEach.h | |
Executor_OnEach.h | |
Executor_Ordered.h | |
Executor_ParaMeter.h | |
ExternalReference.h | |
ExtraTraits.h | Defines particular traits used by the distributed runtime |
FileGraph.cpp | Contains FileGraph.h implementations + other static helper functions for FileGraph |
FileGraph.h | Contains FileGraph and FileGraphWriter class declarations |
FileGraphParallel.cpp | |
FixedSizeRing.h | |
FlatMap.h | |
Galois.h | |
GaloisForwardDecl.h | |
gdeque.h | |
GenericPartitioners.h | |
gIO.cpp | |
gIO.h | |
GlobalObj.cpp | Defines GlobalObject's static vector that tracks all GlobalObjects and the ptrForObj function |
GlobalObj.h | Defines the GlobalObject class, which is a base class that other classes inherit from to be assigned a unique global id |
GluonEdgeSubstrate.h | Contains the implementation for GluonEdgeSubstrate |
GluonSubstrate.cpp | Contains the enforced datamode global for use by GPUs |
GluonSubstrate.h | Contains the implementation for GluonSubstrate |
Graph.h | |
GraphHelpers.cpp | |
GraphHelpers.h | |
gslist.h | |
gstl.h | |
HostDecls.h | Contains forward declarations and the definition of the MarshalGraph class, which is used to marshal a graph to GPUs |
HWTopo.cpp | |
HWTopo.h | |
HWTopoDarwin.cpp | |
HWTopoLinux.cpp | |
Iterable.h | |
LargeArray.h | |
LazyArray.h | |
LazyObject.h | |
LC_Adaptor_Graph.h | |
LC_CSR_CSC_Graph.h | Contains the implementation of a bidirectional LC_CS_Graph |
LC_CSR_Graph.h | |
LC_CSR_Hypergraph.h | |
LC_InlineEdge_Graph.h | |
LC_InOut_Graph.h | |
LC_Linear_Graph.h | |
LC_Morph_Graph.h | Contains the LC_Morph_Graph class |
LCGraph.h | |
LocalQueue.h | |
Loops.h | |
LoopStatistics.h | |
LWCI.h | LWCI header that includes lc.h (LCI library) and internal helper functions on arrays |
Mem.cpp | |
Mem.h | |
runtime/Mem.h | |
MemUsage.h | Contains MemUsageTracker, a class that tracks memory usage throughout runtime of a program of send/receive buffers |
MethodFlags.h | |
MiningPartitioner.h | Graph mining partitioning that duplicates edges |
Morph_SepInOut_Graph.h | |
MorphGraph.h | Contains MorphGraph and associated helpers |
MorphHyperGraph.h | |
Network.cpp | Contains implementations for basic NetworkInterface functions and initializations of some NetworkInterface variables |
Network.h | Contains the network interface class which is the base class for all network layer implementations |
NetworkBuffered.cpp | Contains NetworkInterfaceBuffered, an implementation of a network interface that buffers messages before sending them out |
NetworkIO.h | Contains NetworkIO, a base class that is inherited by classes that want to implement the communication layer of Galois |
NetworkIOMPI.cpp | Contains an implementation of network IO that uses MPI |
NetworkLCI.cpp | |
NewGeneric.h | Contains the main graph class as well as the partitioning logic that CuSP uses |
NoDerefIterator.h | |
NumaMem.cpp | |
NumaMem.h | |
Obim.h | |
OCFileGraph.cpp | |
OCGraph.h | |
OfflineGraph.h | |
OperatorReferenceTypes.h | |
optional.h | |
OrderedList.h | |
OwnerComputes.h | |
PaddedLock.h | |
PageAlloc.cpp | |
PageAlloc.h | |
PagePool.cpp | |
PagePool.h | |
ParallelSTL.h | |
ParaMeter.cpp | |
PerThreadChunk.h | |
PerThreadContainer.h | |
PerThreadStorage.cpp | |
PerThreadStorage.h | |
PODResizeableArray.h | |
PreAlloc.cpp | |
PriorityQueue.h | |
Profile.cpp | |
Profile.h | |
PtrLock.cpp | |
PtrLock.h | |
Range.h | |
ReadGraph.h | |
Reduction.h | |
Serialize.h | Contains functions that serialize/deserialize data, mainly for sending out serialized data over the network and deserializing it on the other end |
SharedMem.cpp | |
runtime/SharedMem.h | |
substrate/SharedMem.h | |
SharedMemSys.cpp | |
SharedMemSys.h | |
Simple.h | |
SimpleLock.cpp | |
SimpleLock.h | |
SpatialTree.h | |
StableIterator.h | |
StaticInstance.h | |
Statistics.cpp | |
Statistics.h | |
Substrate.cpp | |
Substrate.h | |
Support.cpp | |
SyncStructures.cpp | Contains implementations of the bitvector status setter/getter functions |
SyncStructures.h | Contains macros for easily defining common Galois sync structures and the field flags class used for on-demand synchronization |
Termination.cpp | |
Termination.h | |
ThreadPool.cpp | |
ThreadPool.h | |
ThreadRWlock.h | |
Threads.cpp | |
Threads.h | |
ThreadTimer.cpp | |
ThreadTimer.h | |
TiledExecutor.h | |
Timer.cpp | |
Timer.h | |
Tracer.cpp | Implementations/variables for Tracer.h |
Tracer.h | Includes functions for tracing output and printing data |
Traits.h | |
TwoLevelIterator.h | |
TwoLevelIteratorA.h | |
TypeTraits.h | |
UnionFind.h | |
UserContext.h | |
UserContextAccess.h | |
Version.h | |
WLCompileCheck.h | |
WorkList.h | |
WorkListHelpers.h |